Open Call #1
Artists Aged 25 - 60
Jordan Quinn
Jordan Quinn is the first recipient of our 2023 open calls, in the 'Artists Aged 25 - 60' category. Quinn's collection is on exhibition in our gallery at Hills Arts Centre for the duration of January 2023.
The selection process was conducted by a small panel of independent artists in Sunderland, who praised Quinn's "dynamic use of form and colour, brightness and boldness, and the inherent sense of 'northernness'". They praised Quinn's inclusion of found materials as canvases, which adds "a great textural and ecological quality to this multi-layered collection."

Like all of my other paintings this one also exists. Composed of at least 2 paintings in multiple layers and materials.
The final surface image presented is a vague collection of shapes that could be interpreted as 3 chavs of indiscriminate detail, looking in the direction of the viewer.
But that could be an over-simplification of the subject and composition.
Smokers table
I do not endorse smoking, creating these lines brings me joy.

Smell the turquois
A long-time work in progress that has been flipped, and rotated and finally turned into a portrait work. Depicting a warm summer evening, with a subtle buzz, a gentle breeze hostage to the surrounding flower fields. The viewer is encouraged to imagine the thoughts and feelings behind the person. The action being completed; smelling a flower? looking at a petal? judging if a wasp is a Vespula Vulgaris or a Dolichovespula?
Your thoughts?

not more
This painting attempts to express a feeling all too common in contemporary life. This feeling is probably the one you are thinking of, but best check with someone else.
just in case

Wrong Salad
A piece post-smokers table, carrying on the motif of dark, heavy outlining featured in that composition. But contained within the top half of the canvas. With the bottom half presenting a larger blue shape controls the composition and forms.
Conversations in green
- side a
Step 1, Look at this painting in the direction it is hung.
Step 2, Tilt your head 90 degrees to the left.
Is this 1 painting or 2?
show your working:

Wendy's Flowers
A visual ode to lost loved ones, and the lasting memories they leave us with.
Saxxy Tonight
A piece created shortly after a musical experience involving a very passionate saxophonist. The scene I imagine when looking at this painting is that of an upmarket restaurant dinner rush, with live music.
without the occupying people

Similar to cats in green this depicts cats, a kitchen bench still life, 3 people, rug patterns, a curtain and more.
Where is the picture?
Kahtz in Green
This piece is created on an old traffic sign, that gracefully lay face down in my apartment building’s car park, for roughly 2 months before being rescued for this piece. It began as a piece very similar to Kahtz, but later decisions led to the thick green overcoat it has currently.

lucky ticket
This painting was the first in which I tried an experimental technique of scratching chalk onto wet paint. As a visual alternative to splatters with inks or additional paint, building the texture of the piece. Most prominently visible in the nose of the subject/person being depicted.
This piece has a stronger emphasis on exploring the separate layers visible through the painting. Each evidencing multiple decisions, accidents and mistakes that were taken to allow this version of the painting to be created. Keeping parts of the canvas uncovered from the first few decisions to the last.